Industrial Workwear

Imagewear has Canada's biggest selection of work clothing that can be branded as uniquely yours.

Corporate Apparel

Imagewear has a distinct advantage when it comes to corporate clothing.

Corporate Uniforms

Uniforms were meant to create consistency, professionalism and reassuring familiarity-not boring sameness.

Promotional Gifts

Imagewear is always ready to help your people make the right first impression with clothing and footwear.

Friday 13 December 2013

Promotional Gifts: Meeting Business Needs

This is the time where a business entrepreneur can perhaps consider on preparing for promotional mugs not only for his employees but for his target market as well. People love receiving gifts. People enjoy it when it's free. You can imagine how far a single simple gift item can go. These promotional gift items are like hitting two birds at the same time.

Company's Promotional Gifts

Cutting the Edge

Perhaps, promotional ceramic mugs may serve its purpose and worth. But, there are two items that cuts the edge and allow the business to freely soar on high. Consider on the watches and Swiss knives with company logos on it. These are distinctive items. Thus, you would not be able to see these items in shops and malls. In other words, preparing for promotional gifts enables your business to take advantage on these two major benefits namely:

  1. Give Gifts. As you order for promotional items think on what item you would like to order. Else you can contact with the specialists and ask for advice. There are certain shops that offer this service. Last thing, employees know how to value the gifts they receive. Sometimes, as employees show their trust to the company, they enjoy wearing their watches with the company's logo on it and using other promotional items.

  2. Marketing Strategy. Consider on other products other than ceramic. If you buy coffee cups with your company's logo on it, it ensures the public will be able to recognize what's in the name and the image. In other words, other than using the item to meet the needs it is used primarily to allow the business to be known.
Travel Bags Go a Long Way

As you travel, most of the time you would carry a bag with you. This time, it is not the custom travel cups take the scene instead it's the bags that come in different sizes, color, design and style. So long as you order from a company that offers the best customized logo on your promotional item, this alone can ensure you to boost the business sales. Moreover, as you travel, more people would be able to recognize on the company you are working with. Think of it as a marketing strategy. Promotional item providers offer quality designs that ensures marketing could go a long way.

What's in a Bag?

Luggage bags will always be ideal when you want to give gifts to your employees doing more than they are required. They will always be considered as ideal marketing products in generating sales and most of all create an image. All it takes is to use the bag as you travel and you will be amazed on seeing the results.

Overall, these promotional items given as gifts deliver the message. In other words, these items can best represent the business in order to capture more customers and clients for the business. This should greatly increase the sales and business income. Consider on giving gifts with your business logo on it and you will be able to meet the needs.

Friday 11 October 2013

Tips to Ensure Clothing Fitness with Unstable Weight

Imagewear Corporate Clothing
Whatever apparels like Imagewear Corporate Clothing you love wearing today will not probably last until you grow a year or more older not simply for the reason of getting out of trend or faded as you would likewise opt for keeping them in the cabinet or donating to a foundation when they do not already fit your sexy figure. That is ultimately because your “size” is becoming bigger or smaller as you continuously lose or gain extra weight. This does not necessarily connote, though, that you have to purchase new set of garments for there are some alternatives to ensure that even if you turn “extra-large” from being “extra-small” (or vice versa) size of shirt, you can still fit it with comfort and confidence:

Avoid Getting Trendy Clothing

Usability versus fashion is something which you have to decide on whenever going for shopping of company t shirt. If you prefer the latter as you wish of bearing with the new fad, the drawback is you may not use it when the trendy dress is already considered obsolete; in other words, it could be an impracticable choice. However, taking the former means you are after the number of years that the apparel could be used for a particular purpose as when you wear it for business dealing. Nonetheless, there could possibly be the best option: trendy and usable clothing which you may avail from a nearby or online store. All you need here is to look for more options so you will have wide range of bases when choosing the most practical and convenient garment.

Friday 16 August 2013

Corporate Clothing to Bring You on Top

In this modern time, many companies and organizations use standard corporate clothing for their employees. With this in the workplace, employees would be able to recognize who are the people they are working with in the same company by recognizing the company brand. At the same time, this sets the standard of the company. In today’s time when the latest trends in apparel are just around the corner, corporate clothing is never limited, considering the style and designs. Such kind of clothing is also used for both small and large organizations and there are a lot of benefits that can be derived from corporate clothing, not just for the employees but for the business as a whole.

Corporate Clothing

Tuesday 11 June 2013

When Clothing Creates a Visual Identity

Clothing Creates a Visual Identity
Can you tell a person's job or profession by his image? Clothes can even tell a person's personality. A person wearing an industrial gear and safety apparel shows that he is an industrial worker. How about a person wearing a chef's uniform? Immediately, anyone can tell he is working in a restaurant. In addition, people can even tell where your workplace is by simply looking at what you're wearing. Company logos are placed on uniforms to identify where the person is working and sometimes it can even tell his position at work.

Friday 22 March 2013

Uniforms In The Value of Brand and Identity

In every business, brand and identity is built together. It enhances the capability of a business to reach to its target market. For so long, brand and identity are treated the same but in a deeper sense it goes hand in hand yet different in meanings. Brand is the symbol that carries the identity of a business. It means that maintaining a good brand will stabilize the identity of a business. 


There has been many options and marketing campaigns to enhance the brand and identity of a business. Some spent millions of dollars to increase awareness among its target market through expensive advertisements. However, advertising can give short run effect unlike when people see and encounter such brand in daily living. In essence, that is the value of word of mouth.

In a business operation, the identity of a business should be maintained. Working is not for the sake of “just working”. It entails a deeper meaning. It embodies the sense of belongingness and co-ownership among its workers. When everybody thinks they own the business, they will work hard to achieve the goal of the business. This makes a holistic identity for a business working to build a good brand. That's why brand analyst would suggest that uniforms should be made and worn by employees. 

There are many benefits of providing a customized uniform. For one, building of brands through imprinting company name, business name, product name, department name or any distinguishing mark to emphasize the value and job designation of your employees. It will make them aware of their responsibilities and create a psychological impact that they belong to the company and that the management consider them as an integral factor for business success. 

Second, uniforms will create mutual growth among same level employees. Workers tend to associate themselves with the people wearing the same clothes. It will eliminate hesitance and will create camaraderie among people having the same job. Thus, uniforms will create a harmonious relationship in the working climate. 

Lastly, the people behind you will perceive that your organization is built responsibly. It is more important before you extend for other marketing activities. When local passers by knew that you care for your employees, a domino effect of caring for consumers will follow. It is not always about your products and services, sometimes, it is about how you carry your people to make them relay the company's image to their households. In that sense, you are making them part of your business while they are making you part of their lives. 

Some people thought a piece of uniform means nothing. But uniforms have underlying meaning that can surprise anyone. Doctors, nurses, firemen, policemen, etc are wearing uniforms to instill their job to the people they do service for. For businesses, it works the same but with added value such as boosting the brand and identity of the organization they belong. 

For the purpose of this blog, we will be exploring more about images presented through uniforms, corporate apparels, and other power dressing technique. You'll learn more about the meaning of the clothes you worn everyday and its purpose for you, the organization you work with and the business sector in general.