Tuesday 11 June 2013

When Clothing Creates a Visual Identity

Clothing Creates a Visual Identity
Can you tell a person's job or profession by his image? Clothes can even tell a person's personality. A person wearing an industrial gear and safety apparel shows that he is an industrial worker. How about a person wearing a chef's uniform? Immediately, anyone can tell he is working in a restaurant. In addition, people can even tell where your workplace is by simply looking at what you're wearing. Company logos are placed on uniforms to identify where the person is working and sometimes it can even tell his position at work.

Businesses contact clothing apparel who knows how to customize uniforms for their employees. These uniform allow the employees to wear the brand bringing the name of the company wherever and whenever it may be. Expressing an image can be done when customizing what one is wearing. And these can be done in three levels. 

Identity Options

There are clothing companies who offer a different and unique style of creating a visual identity for the employees. Logos can be directly printed, embossed, debossed or embroidered to customize the apparel. Most businesses do not rely on the traditional methods of customizing their uniform apparel or other items for better identity. Else, they trust on companies who are experts on what they are doing. Understanding how to customize the item or apparel has to be carefully studied in order to create a perfect fit for the employees and the business. Choosing embossed can be done for T-shirts, pants, sweatshirts, caps and jackets. While debossed are only for items such as portfolios, wallets, gloves and binders. And in the advent of technology, direct image printing speaks for itself. It directly prints the image seen from the computer to the T-shirt or any apparel. Either of the ways to customize the garment, simply bring the logo or the image to the clothing company and they will take care of it and produce customized uniform. 


According to how the business' strategy is to meet its vision, best clothing companies offer this service. When an image or logo seen on the garment isn't enough, they can alter the design in order to make it look better and unique. 

Custom Design

Some clothing companies partner with hundreds of manufacturers that can provide with any material needed to customize the garment or item. Depending on the business' choice of color of T-shirt, pants, sweatshirts and etc., clothing companies are able to provide. These clothing companies ensure businesses are distinctive and unique. When businesses cannot decide on how to create a unique design for the garments for their employees, some clothing companies provide consultants. 

Not only garments can be customized to create an image, also promotional items such as wallets, gloves, binders and portfolios can be unique. When advertisements are not enough to capture the target market, creating these customized items can captivate the market in an instant. Imagine someone wearing a cap with the business logo, walking on the street. Not just to create an image but a marketing strategy as well. 


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