In every business, brand and identity is built together. It enhances the capability of a business to reach to its target market. For so long, brand and identity are treated the same but in a deeper sense it goes hand in hand yet different in meanings. Brand is the symbol that carries the identity of a business. It means that maintaining a good brand will stabilize the identity of a business.

There has been many options and marketing campaigns to enhance the brand and identity of a business. Some spent millions of dollars to increase awareness among its target market through expensive advertisements. However, advertising can give short run effect unlike when people see and encounter such brand in daily living. In essence, that is the value of word of mouth.
In a business operation, the identity of a business should be maintained. Working is not for the sake of “just working”. It entails a deeper meaning. It embodies the sense of belongingness and co-ownership among its workers. When everybody thinks they own the business, they will work hard to achieve the goal of the business. This makes a holistic identity for a business working to build a good brand. That's why brand analyst would suggest that uniforms should be made and worn by employees.
There are many benefits of providing a customized uniform. For one, building of brands through imprinting company name, business name, product name, department name or any distinguishing mark to emphasize the value and job designation of your employees. It will make them aware of their responsibilities and create a psychological impact that they belong to the company and that the management consider them as an integral factor for business success.
Second, uniforms will create mutual growth among same level employees. Workers tend to associate themselves with the people wearing the same clothes. It will eliminate hesitance and will create camaraderie among people having the same job. Thus, uniforms will create a harmonious relationship in the working climate.
Lastly, the people behind you will perceive that your organization is built responsibly. It is more important before you extend for other marketing activities. When local passers by knew that you care for your employees, a domino effect of caring for consumers will follow. It is not always about your products and services, sometimes, it is about how you carry your people to make them relay the company's image to their households. In that sense, you are making them part of your business while they are making you part of their lives.
Some people thought a piece of uniform means nothing. But uniforms have underlying meaning that can surprise anyone. Doctors, nurses, firemen, policemen, etc are wearing uniforms to instill their job to the people they do service for. For businesses, it works the same but with added value such as boosting the brand and identity of the organization they belong.
For the purpose of this blog, we will be exploring more about images presented through uniforms, corporate apparels, and other power dressing technique. You'll learn more about the meaning of the clothes you worn everyday and its purpose for you, the organization you work with and the business sector in general.
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